Tell us about your video(S):
Prospective Timeline
How much time is needed for set up?
What is the prospective date and time.
What is the prospective end date and time?
What is the prospective delivery date?
Will this project need Post-Production?
When will the edit(s) be reviewed by?
What is the email for the person who will be reviewing the edit?
What is the email for the person who will be reviewing the edit?
What is the email for the person who will be reviewing the edit?
When will the assets be delivered by?
The room number or name.
How many locations do you plan to shoot in?
(a location is defined as a property)
Please list the address for the location.
What would you like to see in the background (for a camera)?
The room number or name of this set
What would you like to see in the background?
The room number or name of this set
What would you like to see in the background?
The room number or name of this set
What would you like to see in the background?
The room number or name of this set
What would you like to see in the background?
The room number or name of this set
What would you like to see in the background?
The room number or name of this set
What would you like to see in the background?
Run of Show Or Agenda
Do you have a set schedule or agenda?
Please indicate events AND times that are pertinent to the occasion.
Please upload a .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, or .xltx
Do you need someone to help you create a schedule or agenda?
Cast Or Presenters
Please tell us the full name of your presenter/cast member.
Presenter/Cast Email
Please tell us the full name of your presenter/cast member.
Presenter/Cast Email
Please tell us the full name of your presenter/cast member.
Please tell us the full name of your presenter/cast member.
Presenter/Cast Email
Please tell us the full name of your presenter/cast member.
Presenter/Cast Email
Please tell us the full name of your presenter/cast member.
Presenter/Cast Email
Please tell us the full name of your presenter/cast member.
Presenter/Cast Email
Computer Generated
If you don't need computer generated graphics for your event or video production.
Do you have any computer generated Images that you would like to include in the final work?
Please provide a description for your files.
Please upload your file.
(.png,.jpg,.jpeg,.gif,.zip,.rar,.psd,.eps,.ai,.pdf,.doc,.docx,.indd,,.mp4,.ppt,.pptm,.pptx, etc.)
Please provide a description for your files.
Please upload your file.
(.png,.jpg,.jpeg,.gif,.zip,.rar,.psd,.eps,.ai,.pdf,.doc,.docx,.indd,,.mp4,.ppt,.pptm,.pptx, etc.)
Please provide a description for your files.
Please upload your file.
(.png,.jpg,.jpeg,.gif,.zip,.rar,.psd,.eps,.ai,.pdf,.doc,.docx,.indd,,.mp4,.ppt,.pptm,.pptx, etc.)
Please provide a description for your files.
Please upload your file.
(.png,.jpg,.jpeg,.gif,.zip,.rar,.psd,.eps,.ai,.pdf,.doc,.docx,.indd,,.mp4,.ppt,.pptm,.pptx, etc.)
Please provide a description for your files.
Please upload your file.
(.png,.jpg,.jpeg,.gif,.zip,.rar,.psd,.eps,.ai,.pdf,.doc,.docx,.indd,,.mp4,.ppt,.pptm,.pptx, etc.)
Please provide a description for your files.
Please upload your file.
(.png,.jpg,.jpeg,.gif,.zip,.rar,.psd,.eps,.ai,.pdf,.doc,.docx,.indd,,.mp4,.ppt,.pptm,.pptx, etc.)
Please provide a description for your files.
Please upload your file.
(.png,.jpg,.jpeg,.gif,.zip,.rar,.psd,.eps,.ai,.pdf,.doc,.docx,.indd,,.mp4,.ppt,.pptm,.pptx, etc.)
Please provide a description for your files.
Please upload your file.
(.png,.jpg,.jpeg,.gif,.zip,.rar,.psd,.eps,.ai,.pdf,.doc,.docx,.indd,,.mp4,.ppt,.pptm,.pptx, etc.)
Please provide a description for your files.
Please upload your file.
(.png,.jpg,.jpeg,.gif,.zip,.rar,.psd,.eps,.ai,.pdf,.doc,.docx,.indd,,.mp4,.ppt,.pptm,.pptx, etc.)
Do you need any computer generated graphics to incorporate into the final work?
Please upload your logo and/or style guide.
(The higher the resolution the better)
Please provide a description for your files.
Please upload your file.
(.png,.jpg,.jpeg,.gif,.zip,.rar,.psd,.eps,.ai,.pdf,.doc,.docx,.indd,,.mp4,.ppt,.pptm,.pptx, etc.)
Please provide a descriptive list of deliverable (computer generated images) you would like created for your event or video production.
Specialty Crew
A producer helps you all the way through Pre-Produciton, Production and Post-Production, and final deliverables.
An AD Is someone who can help with small details, crew or cast for production that is intimately involved with the production on set.
Someone that takes a small crew to get other interviews or B-Roll shots for the main event or production.
A director will help you with talent, crew and meeting your vision for your production or event.
A Content Manager will help you organize your visual aids (PPT, Video, Slides) based on your run-of-show or live production.
A teleprompter operator will run the script for you while you are on camera.
The script writer will work with the director to layout your production, whether live or pre-recorded, from start to finish for production.
A graphic designer will create a lower thirds package for all graphics that need to be produced for branding during a live or pre-recorded event/video production.
PA's are all around good help on set. They run errands, handle craft services, get coffee and handle transportation for talent, cast and crew.
Set designer's help with the overall look and feel for set on a production or event.
Gaffers or L1's help with lighting and will set and run the lights during a production or event.
If you are out on a location and you need to have someone hold a boom or mic and unmic people during an event.
Special Equipment
How many camera(s) and operators would you like at your event or video production?
Steady Camera Systems
for 2.35:1 aspect ratio
for 2.35:1 aspect Ratio
Comes with Ipad and remote control
How many people will be on stage or on camera at the same time?
Camera lighting for stage or interviews.
SlingStudio is good if you plan to have multiple cameras.
The Streaming Computer is good for slides & video playing back.
A combination is good for multiple cameras and content playback.
Local Area Network is good for connecting things locally. Wide Area Network Includes (LTE) Internet Service for Streaming.
22" is good for Slide Recording. 65" inch is good for confidence on stage or showing a demo on camera. Teleprompter is good for being on camera with a script.
If you have more than 2 microphones you'll need a mixer.
Audio system for playback of video or hybrid meetings.
Are there other people involved that are not on camera like third party vendors? If so, please elaborate.
Are there likely to be changes and if so what are the expected changes (i.e. graphics, script, location, etc.)
Are there any special expectations that are mission critical to the success of the production or event?
Please list the Final Deliverables in a list format for the production or event.
The final estimated price is :
Who can we send the estimate too?
What date works best for you to do a pre-production or discovery meeting?
Description | Information | Quantity | Price |
Discount : | |||
Total : |